Strong bones are crucial because they provide the framework that supports your body. Maintaining bone strength helps prevent osteoporosis, which causes bones to become fragile and brittle.
You’ve experienced a sprain or strain, or perhaps one or more of your joints is causing you pain. Is the orthopedist at Nutley Orthopaedic Group the right specialist for you?
Summer marks the peak season for outdoor sports and recreation, but unfortunately, it’s also peak season for injuries.
If you've been experiencing persistent pain, now is the perfect time to visit an orthopedist.
Shoulder pain and discomfort can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life, making it essential to address any underlying issues promptly.
At one point or another, most people fall victim to arthritis – an inflammation of the joints that cause pain and making movement difficult.
Osteoporosis develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decrease, or when the structure and strength of bone change for the worse. The name of this disease is Latin for “porous bone.
It is used for everything—from waving hello to a friend to swinging a bat on the baseball field.